From the course: Blender 2.8 Character Creation

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Working on the breastplate and belt

Working on the breastplate and belt

From the course: Blender 2.8 Character Creation

Working on the breastplate and belt

- [Instructor] Well, let's see if we can finish up this plate here. I guess let's just do a little cylinder for this right here. Let's press shift A and bring in a cylinder, take it down to 12 sides, triangle fan and then we probably don't need the faces on the bottom again. Let's delete those and we could turn it in the X and scale down and bring that up into here. Now, we could go to wire frame here and move this up, scale it down a bit, maybe like that and let's see what we can do with this. I think instead of the random colors for a minute here, I'm going to change back to the single material but I'll turn on cavity and that kind of helps separate things out just a little bit. So now let's grab these faces here. I just want to scale in a small bit like that, we could bring this edge in some and I think for me, I just want to grab these and extrude and then scale in and then extrude and push in and then…
