From the course: Blender 2.8 Character Creation

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Finishing the teeth

Finishing the teeth

- Moving on to the second premolar, we can just take this of course and duplicate it and move it over. Let's just do that hit the seven key and the five key. And let's just press Shift D, and grab this and move it back. And let's rotate it and kind of get it in places well. Now it looks like it may be a little bit smaller, so maybe we could just hit s and scale that in some. Now we need to deal with these first, second, third molars in back and these are far enough back where I think we can just duplicate and just make them all the same. So let me just grab this first premolar again and go back to the top view and let's just press Shift D and move this back. And let's put these in place. Now, you can see from here that we're going to need to extend the gums a bit, aren't we? Let's go ahead and do that. I'll select the gum, Tab back into edit mode, press three key, select that phase and let's go to the top view and it…
