From the course: Blender 2.8 Character Creation

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Extruding the hand

Extruding the hand

- [Instructor] Just like we did for the other edges when we began extruding, we need to come in here and adjust these edges so that we don't have to do a lot of adjustment after the fact. So, let's go ahead and kind of move some of these into place. Maybe I'll take these edges and just move them up just a bit like this, kind of like that. We could probably do that with these edges here. Let me grab these, hit the seven key and move these up just a bit like that. And I think that looks pretty good. Yeah, let's go ahead and work with that. I'll Alt click this edge now and let's begin extruding these back. But to do that, let's go over to the modeling tab here so we can kind of see both views at the same time. Maybe I'll tab back into object mode and move this up just a little bit like this, there we go. So, once again, what we're going to be doing is moving back toward the wrist and as we do each time we're going to try and…
