Del curso: Blender 2.8 Character Creation

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Creating the side of the head and neck

Creating the side of the head and neck

- [Narrator] To work on the side of the head, I've moved back over here to the Modeling tab. And let's hit the two key to go to Edge mode. And what I want to do is begin connecting up the side of the head. And as we talked about earlier, I've kind of matched up my edges here, so that they'll align properly as we try and extrude these out. I think what I'll do first is I'll just select this edge right up here at the top, and I'll just hit E, and I'll move it down a bit. And you can see it over here. It kind of needs to come out some, right along here. And then, maybe, I'll do that again. I'll pull this up just a bit, and I'll hit E and pull that down one more time. And, then, we should be able to connect up this edge, let's say, and this edge. I'll just select those two and hit F, and that'll connect those up. And, this edge and this edge and hit F, and that'll connect those up. Then, up here, I can select one edge…
