From the course: Blender 2.8 Character Creation

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Creating the armature and adjusting joints

Creating the armature and adjusting joints

From the course: Blender 2.8 Character Creation

Creating the armature and adjusting joints

- [Narrator] To rig the character what we are going to do is create an underlying armature, or skeleton, that will then influence the mesh, the vertices here on the character. So each one of these points, if I go to vertex mode, each one of these points will have some sort of influence, will be influenced by a bone. Say this point here may be influenced by the upper arm bone, the clavicle and one of the chest bones. And it's the balance between those influences that really allow the defamation of character to seem realistic. So, let's go ahead and begin adding that skeleton, or that armature. To do that we could press Shift + A and come over here to armature, and we're going to us the human meta-rig. Now this is a script, or add-on, that's been created for blender, and if you don't see that here what you can do is come over here to edit and preferences, and in this window you can choose add-ons, and then come over here…
