From the course: Blender 2.8 Character Creation

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Continuing the space suit

Continuing the space suit

- [Instructor] Let's go ahead and work on this helmet ring right here and get that out of the way. I'll just alt click these edges here and then let's just extrude this up just a little bit. So I'll hit E. Let's just scale out just a little bit like this. And then let's hit E and bring this up, something like this, and then we'll go ahead and extrude and bring these in. We could maybe move them a bit like this and then I think we ought to extrude down as well. So let's give that a try. Pull that down like this. So for now, let's go ahead and go with that. We may need to do a little bit more on the interior here because we're going to see inside the suit. So there may be more we need to do in there, but I think we ought to continue working on the hard surface parts of the space suit now. So the white part here on the suit is going to be a sculpted, we're going to use blenders of sculpting tools to create the bulges…
