From the course: Blender 2.8 Character Creation

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Completing the loop mask

Completing the loop mask

- [Instructor] Okay now we can begin to see how our side view image is placed. Just like when we added a polygon, we were able to see that our front image was a little bit off. As we pull these points out into 3D, we're going to see if this image for the side view is off as well. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to hit the one key and go to vertex mode and I'm going to select one vertex at the tip of the nose and I'm going to pull this out and there we go. We can see that that is not quite in alignment with the tip of the nose. I'll press the z key and choose wire frame for this view as well. Now we could also take say the top of the lips here and pull that out as well. And that's off too. So let's go ahead and work on the side view before we go any further. What I'll do is I'll come over here to the outliner and select the side view and nothing happens, because I'm in object mode so I'll tab back in to object…
