From the course: Blender 2.8 Character Creation

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Beginning the helmet

Beginning the helmet

- [Male Voice] Before we work on the helmet, I think we need to do a little housekeeping here. First of all, we need to change the images that are in our empty planes here. So, let's enable the selectability of these right over here. I'll turn this on and this on and now we can select them here. Once we do that, we can come over to the object data tab right here for this empty and we can change the image. So, I'll go ahead and click open here and let's click on this icon so we can see the images. And for the front, I think I want this one here with the helmet, let's go ahead and click on that. And open and there we go. Now for this one over here, let's do the same thing and for this, I'll click on the side nearest side four here. So I'll open that up. There we go, so now we have the correct reference images in place for us to do the modeling. Let me come back over here and unselect the selectability or turn that off…
