From the course: BIM Management: Revit Model Maintenance

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Auditing Revit with Ideate Explorer

Auditing Revit with Ideate Explorer - Revit Tutorial

From the course: BIM Management: Revit Model Maintenance

Auditing Revit with Ideate Explorer

- [Instructor] Most of our modeled maintenance workflows are either deleting unnecessary elements or optimizing those elements for Revit. It can sometimes be hard to know where to start though with this cleanup. This is why I recommend using the Audit Filter in Ideate Explorer to get a focused list. Let's check it out. So in the Ideate Software tab, we're going to go to Explorer. And here, I'm going to set my Display to Entire Project. I'm still going to Sort by Category, but here, I want to point your attention to Filter. So right now, we're looking at all elements placed in project, but I can use filters to isolate different elements. So we could isolate Annotation types. We could also isolate just Model types. But the one I find most useful for model maintenance is the Ideate Audit. So here, we have this focused list of elements we could start to clean up. And I wouldn't necessarily call this a complete list. I do wish that there was an item in here for in-place families and a few…
