From the course: Basics of Conflict Resolution (Beta)

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Verbal and non-verbal communication

Verbal and non-verbal communication

If what we say verbally represents only seven% of what we communicate, then we should definitely take into account other aspects. Analyzing emotions, expressions and body language will be fundamental for us to correctly understand the other person and communicate appropriately. Also to know what we should take into account and manage in our own communication. For example, eye contact and body language account for fifty-five% of communication. account for fifty-five% of communication and tone of voice for thirty-eight%. That is why we are analyzing them in depth in this video, here we are going to develop ideas or strategies on how to use body language in a conflict situation. We must also keep in mind that very few people can communicate what they think. Between what they think and what they actually say there is a lot of distortion. Therefore, beyond words, it is essential to know how to read expressions, moods and emotions. One of the first things we can do is to look at the body…
