From the course: B2B Marketing Foundations

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Immediate next steps to develop a B2B marketing plan

Immediate next steps to develop a B2B marketing plan

From the course: B2B Marketing Foundations

Immediate next steps to develop a B2B marketing plan

- Congratulations on finishing this B2B marketing course. We covered how to engage B2B customers through integrated acquisition and retention marketing, including inbound, outbound and customer relationship management. Here are some ideas for immediate next steps. Sign up for free emails and newsletters from top management consultants, such as PwC, Deloitte, Bain, McKinsey and BCG, to access research studies and insights. Follow top creative and marketing agencies, such as BBDO, Ogilvy and Havas, and read their B2B marketing case studies to stay on top of best practices. Join local marketing networking and trade association groups to meet other B2B marketers and share ideas and lessons learned. Once again, thanks for joining me. I invite you to follow me on LinkedIn. I wish you the best of luck in developing effective B2B marketing campaigns.
