From the course: B2B Marketing Foundations

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Draw in prospects through inbound marketing

Draw in prospects through inbound marketing

From the course: B2B Marketing Foundations

Draw in prospects through inbound marketing

- Let's take off our business person hats and put on our customer hats. Sometimes as customers, we're just thinking about buying something. We're not yet ready to talk with a salesperson, choose a brand or make a purchase. So we just started mildly exploring. It's helpful to read information without a hard sell. And that's where inbound marketing comes in. Inbound marketing attracts customers through relevant, engaging content. As customers research your industry and competition, inbound marketing connects people with the solutions and experiences they seek and guides them into your brand. Let's take a look at some of its benefits and some examples. To me, the most important benefit of inbound marketing is that it builds meaningful long-term relationships across all stages of a customer's decision-making journey. Customers may be starting out by learning preliminary basics about your industry, or they may be further along…
