From the course: Azure for DevOps: Dependency Management (2021)

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Connect feed to Azure DevOps

Connect feed to Azure DevOps

- [Instructor] We're going to connect our project to read from our artifacts feed. Now I'll be configuring my project using VS Code in Windows. So some of the steps might be different depending on your environment setup. The first thing I want to do is set up my config file. NPM config files exist at four different levels. The project, the user, global and built-in into NPM. Typically, you would separate the project config values from the user token, but for the purposes of this demo, I'm just going to update the single NPMRC file at the project. So let's create our project NPMRC file. Okay, so the next component that I want to do is head to our artifacts. And under here, I want to connect to the feed. You'll see that at the top right corner. Here, you're going to notice that Microsoft has provided connection information on all supported packages. As I'm interested in node, I'm going to select NPM. So down at the bottom…
