Do curso: Azure Administration: Load Balancers and Application Gateways

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Configure a load balancer front-end

Configure a load balancer front-end

- [Instructor] Now that we have a load balancer in our infrastructure let's create a configuration for the front end. First click on the load balancer and now let's click on Frontend IP configuration. That is where we will configure the public IP or the internal IP that the load balancer will respond to. In this case the load balancer is already configured to communicate using a public IP, LoadBalancer-PIP. If we click on that configuration you can see that it is a Public frontend and it's connected to that public IP LoadBalancer-PIP. We will click on Add and we will create a new front end. We will call it FrontEnd2 and we will create a new public IP. We will call it LoadBalancer-PIP2 and we will assign a static public IP and now we will click on Add. With that we will have two different public IPs where the load balancer will be able to receive requests from clients. We have the LoadBalancerFrontEnd public IP,…
