From the course: AWS: Storage and Data Management

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S3 teardown

S3 teardown

- [Instructor] Throughout this course, if you're following along, you're going to be building resources in AWS, and each one of these is going to have some cost associated with them. If you look at AWS's documentation, you can see that the free tier that exists can cover the cost of a lot of these resources. If you are a first time subscriber to AWS, there's a lot that you can do in the first 12 months that is free. However, you always want to keep track of the things that you build and delete them whenever you don't need them anymore to make sure you don't encounter any unexpected costs at the end of the month. So that's what we're going to do at the end of every chapter. So in order to take care of what we've built in S3, we need to do a couple of things. First, let's work backwards by starting with the Simple Notification Service. We're going to delete the topic that we use to email. So I'll go into Amazon SNS,…
