From the course: AWS: Storage and Data Management

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Regulatory compliance and AWS

Regulatory compliance and AWS

- Depending on your particular industry, you may be obligated to demonstrate compliance with any number of regulations regarding data movement and storage. A few examples include PCI DSS for the handling of financial information, HIPAA and HITECH for health information, and FERPA for the handling of educational records. Some IT professionals, and even CIOs may fear that moving data to the cloud, may put their ability to comply with regulations at risk. If that sounds familiar, fear or not. AWS goes to great lengths to make sure that whatever your legal requirements, you can work with AWS to ensure compliance, and take full advantage of all the cloud has to offer. AWS provides detailed guidance regarding many different regulatory frameworks. If you go to, you can drill down into any number of regulations, and find out more. If we scroll to the bottom of this page, and click the link…
