From the course: AWS: Storage and Data Management

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File Gateway teardown

File Gateway teardown

- [Narrator] Okay. As with every other section of this course, we're now going to go through and clean up all the resources that we created so that you won't have any unexpected charges on your AWS bill. The first thing we'll do is go into the EC2 section. I'm going to delete the EBS demo one instance that we use to mount the file system. I'll highlight it, go up to instant state and choose terminate. We'll need to confirm that and now that's in the terminating state. Okay, before we delete the file gateway instance we need to head back to storage gateway. Click storage gateway. Highlight the file gateway. Go to actions and choose delete gateway. We're getting a warning here. As we do throughout AWS, we'll type the word delete in this case to confirm and click delete. AWS is asking us for some feedback here which is something that doesn't show up all the time. We can choose other here and not giving them any…
