From the course: AWS: Storage and Data Management

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EFS demo mount EFS

EFS demo mount EFS

- [Instructor] Now that we've got our EFS demo created let's see what it can do by mounting to it from two different EC2 instances. In order to demonstrate this, I've kept around the two machines from the EBS part of this chapter, EBS demo 1, here with the white background and EBS demo 2. You can see that I'm logged into two distinct machines by the differing IP addresses in the prompt. Now, if we head back to the AWS console and click into EFS demo, you can see details of the file system and the orange attach button. Let's click that. Our default is mount via DNS, which is what we want to do, but we have two choices underneath. We can use the EFS Mount Helper or we can use the NFS client. The first command is much shorter and easier to work with, so I'll want to copy that and use it over here in the terminal. However, before I'm able to use it, there are a few steps. First, we have to make sure that the…
