From the course: AWS: Storage and Data Management

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Detach and reattach an EBS volume

Detach and reattach an EBS volume

- [Instructor] In this video I'm going to demonstrate how we can detach an EBS volume from this instance and attach it to another. In order to show this functionality I'm going to need a second EC2 instance. Now before we do that, please take note of the availability zone that EBS demo one is in. We want to make our second instance in the exact same AZ, because volumes are unique to an availability zone, we can only detach and reattach within this AZ. For me, it's US East 1A, but it may be different for you. Click launch instances. Now we'll call this EBSDemo2. We'll keep the same AMI, which is Amazon Linux 2 and the same instance type. For the key pair, instead of creating a new one, we'll use the dropdown and select the one we've already got storage-demo-key. Under network settings, instead of saying that we have no preference for the subnet, we'll click edit and choose the one that's in the availability zone that…
