From the course: AWS: Storage and Data Management

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Create and configure an AWS Backup job

Create and configure an AWS Backup job

- [Instructor] I'm logged into an EC2 host that has an EFS file system mounted. Let's take a look at what's inside. All right, we've got a couple of files here, text files. We've got data in JSON format. And, oh what's this? We've got very-important-documents. Inside here you can see annual budget, final report. Some things that look like we really wouldn't want to lose them. So to protect ourselves against the risk of accidental deletion, let's go to AWS backup and create a backup plan. Back here to the AWS console. And we're going to type "backup" into the search bar here. And click the first result AWS Backup. Now we'll click Create Backup plan. What we'll do now is define our plan in two steps. The first step is to set up a plan that defines the timing, frequency and retention for the backups that we're going to create. Then we'll take that plan and assign to it resources like the EFS file system that we just looked…
