From the course: AWS: Storage and Data Management

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Create a DynamoDB table

Create a DynamoDB table

- [Instructor] All right, in this demo we're going to create a DynamoDB table. I've got the service here under recently visited, but of course you can always go up here and type into the search bar and click the first option. Now before we get started, let's go to the console where I have opened the file under chapter four called film_data.json. So this is in the exercise files. If you open that up, you can see that there are a number of Dynamo ready items here that describe different movies such as "Jaws," here, "Memento," "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." You can scroll through this and see. Now this is not exactly a JSON file because if it were this would be an array and everything would be in square brackets with commas between it. Instead, what we have are individual items here, and in a moment we'll need to copy and paste some things into the GUI. Now, if you were using DynamoDB in a production setting you…
