From the course: AWS: Storage and Data Management

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AWS Glue: Create and run a job

AWS Glue: Create and run a job

- [Instructor] Now that we've got Glue talking to both S3 and the RDS database, and having established a metadata repository of files in S3 and tables in RDS, let's go into AWS Glue and click on Jobs. This will open up a new UI in a new tab. Under Create job, we've got a few options. The default, which we'll go with, is Visual with a source and target. This will create a template for us, using Glue's drag and drop interface. But you can also see we can start with a blank canvas, or go straight to editing scripts with Spark, Python, or even a Jupyter Notebook. Our source is S3 and our target will be MYSQL. This will just let Glue know a little bit about what we're doing, so that it can generate some boilerplate code for us. Click Create. Now on this page, you can see that we've got a visual representation of a basic ETL job. You can click on the first node here. This is a source node, and it says S3 bucket. Still, we…
