From the course: AWS: Storage and Data Management

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AWS Backup teardown

AWS Backup teardown

- [Instructor] All right, as with everything, we're going to go back through what we created as a result of this demo and delete things to make sure we don't incur any unexpected charges. So let's go into AWS Backup and we'll go to Backup plans and we'll try to kind of work backwards here. We'll click MyBackupPlan, and the first thing I'm going to do is go delete these rules here. So daily backup, I'll confirm the name, delete it. Same for monthly backup. Oh, it's the last one on here. So it looks like I'm not able to delete that. Same I'm assuming for, no, not so much for resources. We can delete that there. So let's type EFSDemoAssignment and delete that. Now we will go up to the top here, click the Delete button, type MyBackupPlan, and yeah, there we go. Delete the whole thing. Now this backup plan, remember if you happen to have that same as I do, is associated with the EFS. I do not think that we'll be able to…
