From the course: AutoCAD Civil 3D 2018 Essential Training

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Understanding a parts list

Understanding a parts list

- [Narrator] As we begin working with pipe networks, it's good to understand the information that a pipe network needs. A pipe network, to be able to lay it out, we have to be able to identify of course the location of the structures and the pipes, but more importantly we have to provide the information of the parts that we're using. What kind of pipe? What kind of material? The style to be used? Are there any rules to be applied to the pipe? And that really also is applied to the structure. And you could imagine the different types of pipe networks we may have. So the materials and the parts that you would use for a storm system would be very different from what you may use for a sanitary sewer system. A sanitary sewer system, you may only use manholes and cleanouts, whereas with a storm system, you may have a wide variety of different structures and inlets and headwalls and junction boxes and so forth that you may use. So instead of having a part list that would be handled for all…
