From the course: AutoCAD Civil 3D 2018 Essential Training

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Managing points with description keys

Managing points with description keys

- [Instructor] Another way to manage the look and feel of points, is with description keys. Let's go within our exercise, here, and see what description keys are. So, within our 03_PointDescKeys file we open it up, we find four points and three different descriptions used. Those raw descriptions are what they surveyor entered when he shot the points. PP, FH and OAK 24. What we're going to do is, we're going to take those descriptions that were entered by the surveyor and use them to stylize and even put the points on the right layer. That really makes description keys more powerful than point groups when it comes to visual control of our points. Point description keys are found within the Settings tab and, of course, are per drawing. Under the point, notice description key sets. So, I currently have only one description key set in this drawing. If I right-click on it, let's take a look at what makes up a description key set. So, notice we have the codes, here, on the far left and so…
