From the course: Audition Essential Training

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Understanding bit depth

Understanding bit depth

- [Instructor] Bit depth determines the amount of information stored in every sample of any audio file. The more bits, the wider the range of amplitude we can have in that sample. I'll create a new file by clicking File, New, Audio File, and down on the bottom here, we have our bit depth options. A low depth of eight bits gives us a dynamic range of 48 decibels, which doesn't allow for much change in amplitude. The two most common bit depths you'll come across are 16 bit, which you'll more commonly find in CDs, and has a dynamic range of 96 decibels, or 24 bit, which has a range of 144 decibels. The highest option you have is 32 bit, which will allow for the most dynamic range in your recordings, 192 decibels. As with the sample rate, the higher your bit depth, the larger your files will be. My recommendation would be to choose the highest your computer can handle, which will most likely be 32 bit. Even if you're delivering at a lower bit depth, you can always down convert to a lower…
