From the course: Audition Essential Training

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Recording audio (Waveform Editor)

Recording audio (Waveform Editor) - Audition Tutorial

From the course: Audition Essential Training

Recording audio (Waveform Editor)

- [Male Voiceover] In Audition, you have the choice of recording in either of the editor modes. If all you need to do is to record to a single file that won't be mixed with other audio, I would recommend choosing the Waveform Editor. Before I can start recording, I need to have a file to record to. So I'll go over to my Files panel over here and I'm going to click the New File button. I'll call the file Voiceover, and I'll keep the sample rate at 48000 because I'm using this for video. I'll keep the channels as Mono because I'm only recording to one microphone. And I'll set the bit depth to 32-Bit float. And click OK. Before I begin recording, it's a good idea to test the level of your microphone first. And I can do that by going down to my Levels meter, and right clicking it, and choosing Meter Input Signal. And now I'm getting feedback on how loud or soft my recording will be. And I want it to be a strong clear signal, but I don't want it to be so loud that it's going over 0 dB over…
