From the course: Audition Essential Training

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Recording audio (Multitrack Editor)

Recording audio (Multitrack Editor) - Audition Tutorial

From the course: Audition Essential Training

Recording audio (Multitrack Editor)

- If you wanted to record audio for a Multitrack session and then mix it with other files, I'd recommend recording directly to the Multitrack editor, which does have a few additional features not available in the Waveform editor. So I have this Multitrack session here, and I want to record some voice over to the very end of it. So I'll just move my navigator bar to the end here. You can see I've already got my playhead parked where I want to add this voice over. The first thing I need to do is go to the track I want to record to and make sure my input settings are correct and I have a dedicated voice over track that I've added, I just can't see my input settings right now. So I'm going to click and drag the bottom of the track to expand out my controls. And there's my input selection there. If I click this drop-down list, I can see I don't have any input settings at the moment. I'm going to go to my Mono settings and choose the microphone that I'm recording to. Of course, your…
