From the course: Audition Essential Training

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Exporting a mixdown

Exporting a mixdown

- [Instructor] Once you've finished editing and mixing your session, you'll want to export it. So let's go up to our file menu, down to our export options, and you can see there's quite a bit to choose from here. For this video, we'll just focus on exporting a mix-down of our session. We can export a selection of clips, or a time selection, but in this case, I think I'm just going to export the entire session. These first two options at the top are pretty familiar. We have the name of the resulting file, and the location where it will be saved. I think I'll just save this to my working folder in the exercise files. Underneath that, we have the format that we want to save the file in, and we have a list of different file formats we can choose from. So, uncompressed formats like Wave or AIFF are good for high quality but large files. If this is something you want to share on the web, you'll probably use a compressed format, like MP3 or AAC, which will be lower quality, but smaller…
