From the course: Audio Recording Techniques

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Recording the acoustic guitar direct

Recording the acoustic guitar direct

From the course: Audio Recording Techniques

Recording the acoustic guitar direct

Does your acoustic have a built-in pickup? Many of today's electro-acoustic models either have a pickup, transducer, or microphone built inside, and it's another way of recording the acoustic guitar. Let's take a closer look. By plugging the pickup into a direct box you can actually capture the sound of the guitar without using any microphones. (music playing) The problem is that direct sound by itself usually doesn't sound better than a microphone. (music playing) Ultimately, any internal acoustic pickup should be combined with the microphone to achieve the best results. Even the best internal systems can't reproduce the full natural spectrum of an acoustic guitar. A combination of both an internal pickup and a microphone will also allow more options when it comes time to mix. As you can see, and hear, using the direct output from an acoustic guitar with pickup is convenient but never sounds quite as good as with the microphone. However, when you combine the too, you can capture an…
