From the course: Audio Mixing Bootcamp

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Learning the principles of reverb

Learning the principles of reverb - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Bootcamp

Learning the principles of reverb

Reverb is added to track to create width and depth, but also to dress up an otherwise boring sound. Like with other aspects of mixing, the use of reverb is frequently either overlooked or misunderstood. Before we get in to adding or adjusting the reverb in your mix, let's look at some of the reasons to add reverb first. There are four reasons to add reverb. To make the recorded track sound like it's in a specific acoustic environment. Many times, a track is recorded in an acoustic space doesn't fit the song or the final vision of the mixer. You may record in a small dead room, but want it to sound like it was in a large studio or a small reflective drum room or a live in reflective church. Reverb will take you to each of those environments and many, many more. To add some personality and excitement to a recorded sound, picture reverb as makeup on a model. She may look rather plain or even only mildly attractive until the makeup makes her gorgeous by covering her blemishes…
