From the course: Audio Foundations: Sampling

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Setting up velocity layers

Setting up velocity layers

- Velocity layers are another great sampling tool that allow you to not only recreate organic instruments more accurately, but also as a tool for layering sounds sort of, conditionally. And what do I mean by that? Well, if you understand how midi works, you'll know that most keyboards that have velocity sensitive keys send a controller value between 0 and 127, when you hit a note, depending on how hard you hit the key. So the less hard you hit the key, the lower the value. And vice versa. You can use this data to not only control how loud a sound is played, but also to trigger different samples in the specific velocity range. What would this be useful for? Well, let's take a piano for instance and think about how a piano player would play in the real world. If the player is playing pianissimo, which is a classical term for a very quiet, it means that he or she would be hitting the keys very delicately, which would result in…
