From the course: Audio Foundations: Reverb

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Reference values from the best orchestra halls

Reference values from the best orchestra halls

From the course: Audio Foundations: Reverb

Reference values from the best orchestra halls

All Reverbs come with presets, sometimes hundreds of them. It can be fairly daunting to know which reverb to use, and in turn, the desired values for each of the parameters. With so many possibilities, where do we start? I find it helpful to compare parameters to a good icon of acoustics, an orchestra hall. Acquisitionists have researched were it considered to be the best-sounding halls for romantic orchestral music, and these three rise to the top. Work done by Leo Branic's found a statistically significant number of conductors, orchestras, audience members, and music critics prefer the sound of these three halls over most other halls for romantic orchestral music. Over time, more and more great halls are built, but the best ones were all highly influenced by the acoustic qualities of these three. So it's useful to look at the Reverb Time, pre-delay, and spectral multipliers for these halls as a touchstone even if our music isn't symphonic music. Looking first at the middle frequency…
