From the course: Audio Foundations: Reverb

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Mastering reverb time, predelay, and wet/dry mix parameters

Mastering reverb time, predelay, and wet/dry mix parameters

From the course: Audio Foundations: Reverb

Mastering reverb time, predelay, and wet/dry mix parameters

There's a long list of essential parameters that you'll find on most reverbs. Reverb Time, Pre-Delay, Wet/Dry Mix, these are universal. Most reverbs then offer some form of frequency-based adjustability to the reverb, and there are a handful of other parameters found only on certain mix and models of reverb, such as density, diffusion, and room size. These parameters must be understood before we can take on the high-level musical and technical challenge of making reverbs an asset in our mix. Top of the list is reverb Time. Reverb Time describes the duration of the wash of reverberant energy. The industry standard is to use something called RT60. RT60 measures the amount of time it takes for the reverb to decay by 60 dB. Let's compare a couple of Reverb Time settings using this snare drum sound. (music playing) First, let's hear a long Reverb Time like 2.5 seconds. (music playing) With the Reverb Time of 2.5 seconds, it takes about 2.5 seconds for the snare sound to decay to silence…
