From the course: Audio Foundations: EQ and Filters

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Get in the Mix: Frequency bracketing with filters

Get in the Mix: Frequency bracketing with filters

From the course: Audio Foundations: EQ and Filters

Get in the Mix: Frequency bracketing with filters

Modern software based instruments, especially commercial loops and virtual instruments, tend to be very broadband by design. In other words ,they tend to fill out the entire frequency spectrum from low to high pretty much all by themselves. This is to be expected,a loop library company or instrument patch designer wants to sell their product and doesn't usually think towards, this sits so perfectly in a dense mix. But rather they focus their efforts on the average hobbyist, who is impressed by huge sounds right out of the box. Besides... Just like a picture or graphic file, I would rather start with a High Res or full bandwidth version, and then scale down if necessary. The problem with this, is that when combined with a bunch of other super broadband material and left unchecked, these full bandwidth instruments can add up to a muddy mess across your frequency spectrum. With way too much low-end in an unnatural amount of fatiguing high frequency content. Combine this with the fact…
