From the course: Audio Foundations: Delay and Modulation

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Long delays

Long delays

Let's talk about using long delays for an echo effect. Set the delay time to a few hundred milliseconds and here's what happens. (music playing) This is easy to setup. Our snare sound is essentially split. It continues to make its way to the loudspeaker so that we can hear it, but it's also being routed to a delay processor using our DAW's effect sense. The output of the delay also feeds the mix. In this way, we are monitoring the actual drumhead as well as some number of delayed repetitions. But we've done a bit more for this echo effect. Notice that the snare echo repeats several times, with each repeat fading gradually to silence. That's the feedback control in action, sending the output of the delay right back into the input, but at a rather low level, we get an additional echo. That echo is fed back as well. So like the original snare hit, it repeats again, but at an even lower level each time. (music playing) Ah! But we've done even a bit more for this echo effect. The low-pass…
