From the course: Audio Foundations: Delay and Modulation

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We've gotten a lot done with delay so far using the parameters of level, delay time, feedback, low-pass filtering, and polarity reversal. It's time to take it to the next level using what are known as modulation controls. Modulation is simply a secret codeword for change. We want to introduce a way for the delay time to fluctuate during the song. The delay effects we've discussed so far, echo for emphasis, echo for groove, and slap back echo, use only a static delay. Interesting new effects can be built on a changing delay time. And while we might manually change the delay time ourselves, a recorder delay time changes into the mix automation system. It is really useful to have the delay processor itself introduce the change. And this is done using a simple low-frequency oscillator or LFO. The LFO is an oscillating waveform that drives the delay time parameter. We don't listen to this signal. Instead, the delay time is controlled by it. If the LFO is a slowly moving sine wave, then the…
