From the course: Audio Foundations: Delay and Modulation

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Get in the Mix: Modulation shape

Get in the Mix: Modulation shape

Modulating delay effects represent so many opportunities for creative signal processing. We mastered the rate and depth controls in the prior movie. Let's tackle the shape control next. It's time to Get in the Mix. Pause this movie and open the appropriate file for your DA. With modulation, rate, and depth under our belts, we can now focus on mastering the third LFO parameter. Shape is the wave form of the LFO. It describes the trajectory of the delay processor as it changes the delay time within the bounds set by the depth control, at the speed determined by the rate control. The two most common modulation shapes we are likely to see are sine wave and triangle wave. Let's apply them to our electric guitar track. Here's the guitar with a sine wave modulated chorus effect. And here it is with a triangle wave modulated chorus effect. If you're thinking they both pretty much sound like a chorus effect, with only slight differences in quality, you're right. The primary use of the shape…
