From the course: Audio Foundations: Delay and Modulation

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Get in the Mix: Chorus

Get in the Mix: Chorus

An alternative name for the heavy use of modulated medium delays to simulate more than one player is chorus. The idea is that through the use of several different modulating delays in the 20 to 50 millisecond range, one could transform a single track into the sound of several voices. The delays simulate other voices singing along but phrasing things a bit late, humanly out of sync. The modulation of those delays introduces small amounts of pitch shift, creating the illusion of a natural amount of pitch variation for these added simulated performers. No two performers sing with identical pitch and phrasing, and 40 singers would create 40 unique sounds, even as they try to sing together. Modulated medium delays evoke the sound of several simultaneous performers, converting one voice into a choir. Thus, the term chorus. Naturally, stacking up 39 medium delays around one single live vocalist will not convincingly sound like a choir of 40 different people. Think of it instead as a special…
