From the course: Audio Foundations: Compression and Dynamic Processing

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What is amplitude?

What is amplitude?

Before getting into the nuts and bolts of dynamics processors such as compressors, limiters, and gates, it's important to take a step back and examine some of the basics of sound. Sound is made of waves of energy that oscillate back and forth through a medium. Usually the medium is air, but sound can also travel through solids, like drywall or liquids, like water. Soundwaves create an invisible push and pull of the air particles around us and our ears perceive and translate these waves into nerve impulses that are sent to our brain. For example, when you play music from your speakers, the speaker cone moves in and out, creating changes in the pressure of the surrounding air. The resulting soundwaves are picked up by our ears and our brain translates them into sound information. Soundwaves are generally measured across two dimensions: frequency and amplitude. Frequency is the oscillation speed of the wave of the rate of push and pull of air particles. Higher frequencies produce higher-…
