From the course: Audio Foundations: Compression and Dynamic Processing

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Using layered dynamics processing

Using layered dynamics processing

Now that we know we can use limiters inside our mix to tame transients and plosives, let's take a look at an example where taming those nasty things actually helps other dynamics processors in our mix work better. In this example, you can clearly see that the signal's waveform has a few spots that really stand out from the rest. This signal is in need of compression to even out the performance and sit it firmly in the mix, but all those hot spots may cause the compressor to work too hard, since I would need to pull the threshold down so far under where the transients are sitting to grab the meat of the signal that I really want to compress. What I like to do in these situations is insert a limiter before the compressor to create a layered-compression signal flow. The limiter will be set with a higher threshold to catch and tame the hot spots, while the compressor will work more on the true average level of the signal. Listen as I play and adjust the L1 limiter to tame just the peaks…
