From the course: Audio Foundations: Compression and Dynamic Processing

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Understanding attack and release

Understanding attack and release

We have established that a compressor reacts by turning down the signal whenever it gets louder than its threshold setting. But just as it takes you a few seconds to turn down the volume of your TV when those loud commercials come on, and a few more seconds to turn the volume back up when the program returns, a compressor takes time to react to a signal also. A compressor's attack and release controls determine the reaction time of any gain reduction once the threshold is breached. When a signal is determined to be too loud and shoots over the threshold, the attack time is how long it takes for the compressor to grab hold of the signal and turn down the volume. Likewise, when that same signal falls back below the threshold and stops being too loud, the release time is how long it takes for the compressor to let go of the signal and return it to its uncompressed level. Well, it might take you five to ten seconds to grab that remote and adjust the volume on your TV, compressors…
