From the course: Audio for Video: Production and Post Sound Techniques

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How to prepare your timeline for audio handoff

How to prepare your timeline for audio handoff

- [Voiceover] If you decide that mixing and editing audio is not your bag and you'd like to leave the work to an audio professional, that's a perfectly acceptable post-production workflow and one that's used every day. Here, I'd like to go over the best way to prep your Premiere timeline sequence for the audio handoff. We'll go over some standard ways to prep your timeline so you look professional, and your audio is handled properly during the transfer. First, let's talk about the timeline start point and timecode. It's an industry standard that timecode hour one is the first frame of action for any video or film. And you notice here, our timeline starts at zero, and that's the common preset default for Premiere sequences. So we want to go ahead and adjust our timeline start time to start at hour one. Why not just start at zero? The reason is that we want to reserve space before hour one for tones, countdowns and sync pops. So let's adjust our start time. If I go into the sequence…
