From the course: Audio for Video: Production and Post Sound Techniques

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Choosing sources

Choosing sources

- [Voiceover] It's now time to really narrow in on the audio edit. We're looking to create a dialog track that's as seamless as possible. Which is pretty tricky, since the audio comes from a bunch of different edits and there are different mics to choose from. So let's explore some methods and techniques to achieve a smooth audio edit by first looking at the source material in each of the tracks. As you can see here, each clip has its own internal clip level. These came over from the video edit and although we can use these levels as a rough guideline, we'll want to adjust these levels as we go to make transitions as smooth as possible. Now, keep in mind in addition to clip volume levels there's another global volume control on a track by track basis. So if I pull a track down all the way you can see that there's this volume level here and that's a global volume for the entire track. So once we get our clip volumes in the ballpark, we can use this to globally adjust track volume on a…
