From the course: Audio for Video: Production and Post Sound Techniques

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Adding sound FX

Adding sound FX

- [Voiceover] In addition to ambiance and background sound effects, even a little bit of synced hard effects can go a long way to make a scene more believable. What I mean by hard effects are sounds that go against direct action, even sometimes on top of the production sound to enhance it and in audio post terms, sweeten what's already there. I want to give you a quick example of this. When the scene opens, our actor walks through the door. Now you can kind of hear the door in production, but we could add a door sound effect to help us out. Then we can keep, lower or even remove the production door if we want. Let's watch the scene for a second. So you hear the cafe, you see him the open the door. It's pretty far away, but even though it's far away and we might not hear it in the real world, just the sense of having the door open as a sound effect will draw us in to the scene as a viewer. So let's find a good sound effect and then I'll show you how you can edit it and we can sort of…
