From the course: Artificial Intelligence Beyond Engineering (Beta)

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Artificial intelligence for inclusion

Artificial intelligence for inclusion

Artificial intelligence has the capacity to generate many benefits for society. For this to happen, it is necessary that this technology be developed with human beings and their diversity in mind. Think of virtual assistants. This type of artificial intelligence makes life a little more comfortable for all of us, but at the same time, it can be of great help to a person with visual or motor impairments if he or she needs to consult information on the Internet or activate any application on his or her cell phone. Something as simple as a voice instruction such as "OK, assistant, tell me the recipe for a cupcake" saves many clicks and simplifies access to information. Advances in natural language processing, optical character recognition (OCR) or image recognition can be applied to make everyday life easier. can be applied to facilitate the daily lives of people with deafness or severe visual impairments. But we should not only think about systems with artificial intelligence capable of…
