From the course: Articulate Storyline Essential Training (2021)

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Inserting and formatting shapes

Inserting and formatting shapes

- [Instructor] I need to visually represent the three step renewable energy process. I was hoping that this process interaction that comes with a content library template would work but really it's a little too circular and really a little too complex for my needs, but no matter, I'll just build a simple process graphic interaction using storylines shapes. This is often what I'll do. If I don't have an existing image or illustration that suits my needs. So let's insert some shapes here. We have the insert tab selected. I'll select shape and let's use three chevrons. So there's our Chevron shape. Click and drag where we want it on screen. We need three of those. So that's a good size, I release. Type inside the shape and insert our text. Now that's a little dark, so I'll select all of it. Go up to home, change it to a white, it pops a little bit more. Let's duplicate this. So I'll select it. I'm going to hold…
