From the course: Articulate Storyline Essential Training (2021)

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Inserting and editing video clips

Inserting and editing video clips

- [Instructor] Whether it's a screen recording interview or an in the field shot, I work with video on almost every project. In this scene, I'll insert a video clip that I shot in the field, it'll serve as a transition slide in the module. I noticed the template I downloaded from Content Library doesn't have a unique layout for video. An easy way around that is to insert a new slide with a blank layout and then go full screen with the video. So here I am in Story View, we'll go up to New Slide, we'll select the basic layouts, and then Blank. Double-click to get to Slide View. Let's go insert our video. Select Insert, Video from File. Select Open. Now let's preview it, see what we're looking at. Clearly I've got a little bit of editing to do, namely trimming the beginning and ending. Let me point out a few video options. We have where you can play the video, do you want to play it in the slide? Do you want to play it a…
