From the course: Articulate Storyline Essential Training (2021)

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Creating layers

Creating layers

- [Instructor] In this chapter, we'll build a simple tab interaction. Tab interactions are great because they allow you to break information up into small chunks. Once you get comfortable building tab like interactions the rest of storyline will fall into place. I'm basing this tab interaction that we will build on a renewable energy process graphic that I built with storyline shapes. For this interaction, we'll build three layers, layers or pieces of additional content that will appear in response to the learner doing something. For instance, the learners will click on the various chevrons and they'll be presented with different information. So let's get started creating and formatting our layers. If you look at the slide layers panel here, you'll see our main slide is called really the base layer and the layers we create are going to go right above that one. So let's create our new layer by selecting the new layer…
