From the course: Articulate Storyline Essential Training (2021)

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Creating a labelled graphic interaction

Creating a labelled graphic interaction - Storyline Tutorial

From the course: Articulate Storyline Essential Training (2021)

Creating a labelled graphic interaction

- [Instructor] As an e-learning developer, I assume my learner is just one slide away from being bored, which of course is the kiss of death. To keep learners interested, I'm always trying to vary the way I present material. Labels graphics do this well as they get learners pulling information rather than me always pushing it at them. I use label graphics quite a bit in software training. You know, pointing out the different fields, and also for equipment training as you see here. I built this particular one by inserting markers over an image. Let me show you how I did it. All right, so the first thing we want to do is insert an image over on the right here. Keyboard shortcut is Control + J. Drag it over to the right a little bit. And hold down the Shift key, make it a little bit smaller so we can fit those graphics on there. Important with this type of interaction that we lock it on the timeline cause we're going to…
